Evangelicals, Trump and the Election
Mike Heisler

Okay, I watched part of the first “debate” last night. Seriously, how embarrassing. I’ve seen more reasoned discussion on sports talk shows.

In some respects this isn’t new. In a World Radio podcast of 9/24/20 Cal Thomas says:

“It isn’t that in earlier elections politicians refrained from slurring and slandering each other. Many did. The 1800 contest between John Adams and Thomas Jefferson was cutthroat in the extreme.

As CNN.com recalls, Jefferson’s camp labeled President Adams “a fool, a hypocrite, a criminal, and a tyrant.” In return, Adams’ men branded Vice President Jefferson “a weakling, an atheist, a libertine, and a coward.””

Cal Thomas – Soothing America’s rage – WORLD Radio Blog 9/24/20

Is that all we’ll get in this election cycle? I think there must be more than the rhetoric. I’ve listened to several evangelical leaders who have been in private meetings with President Trump. (private as in a small group, not one-on-one) They have said he is polite, thoughtful and reasonable in these small groups. Nothing like what they see from press meetings and tweets. It’s sad that the value is lost in the presentation.

Frankly, given our choices, I’m less concerned about the individual that is elected than I am in what group is most influencing the country and in what direction. I look at the Democratic and Republican platforms and am more concerned about the groups than the individuals. We can’t expect the government to be solving problems we as individuals and the church are meant to address.

I’m not endorsing anyone. But as believers how do we even process the election issues? I hope this info provides an alternative view to some of the hyped media that’s all around us.

Documentary “Uncle Tom” https://www.uncletom.com/about “In a collection of intimate interviews with some of America’s most provocative black conservative thinkers, Uncle Tom takes a different look at being black in America.”

Evangelicals, Trump and the Election with Dr. Michael Brown 18 Sep 2020 Dr. Michael Brown, author of Evangelicals at the Crossroads: Will We Pass the Trump Test?

These two are 9 months old but provide a summary of some thoughts on the matter.
Why did Evangelicals Vote for Trump? 07 Dec 2019 Dr. Frank Turek responds to questions about the 12/7/19 podcast in this podcast of 1/4/20
The Elephant in the Room isn’t Trump 04 Jan 2020