What is Bound in Heaven Will Be Bound: What Does Jesus Say About Church Discipline
Ward Davis

Speaker Ward Davis continued our series in First Corinthians with a message about the role of the church as it relates to discipline.

Worship Songs

Did You Feel the Mountains Tremble
Hallelujah (Your Love Is Amazing)
Come Now Is the Time To Worship
The Cross Stands
Jesus At the Center

Breakout Questions

  1. Church discipline is generally carried out for two reasons. What are they?    (Answer: 1.) For the sake of the person sinning and 2.) For the health of the church community).
  2. What is the danger of not enforcing church discipline for the person sinning?
  3. What is the danger of not enforcing church discipline for the congregation?
  4. Ward said that church’s tend to go to one of two extremes regarding discipline: A.) They’re legalistic and lack grace and mercy or,  B.) They’re overly permissive and allow members to engage in sin without any discipline. Do you agree?
  5. Have you ever seen church discipline handled well? Explain.