The Word, The Relationship, and The Victory
Mike Foster

This week we begin our series John. You will hear from Speaker Mike Foster. His message conveys, if you let the Word of God sink into your heart then He will bring light into your darkness.

Discussion Questions:

  1. The answer isn’t limited to what I spoke about Sunday. It’s a concept John expounds and expands on throughout the Gospel. So, who is Jesus?
  2. Given the answers you came up with, what does it mean to be a Christian?
  3. How does John 1:1-5 make you think about living in The Kingdom of God, a life right now that’s characterized by God’s nature, rule and reign?
  4. Where are you in need of light coming into darkness? Are there things you need to give to stay in relationship with God? (Pray with each other about responses to this.)

Worship Songs:
New Day
Yes I Will
To Our God
This I Believe
Here As In Heaven