Holy Spirit Prayer & Ministry
June 11, 2022 9:00am - 12:00pm | Vineyard Church of Ithaca
Join together on June 11th for our Holy Spirit Prayer & Ministry time. Phil Chorlian and Mike Turrigiano, leaders in the Vineyard East region of Vineyard USA, are coming specifically to work with our church, pray with our church, and to get to know us. Phil is being instrumental in our transition between pastors. If you talk with an elder they can tell you more.
June 11th is a time for our church body to come together and worship and pray together. It is a time to work on church unity and purpose with the Holy Spirit. This is a vital connection time in our church transition process. You are encouraged to make this time a priority and to encourage others from the church to also attend this time. As an incentive, you can tell people we will have coffee and donuts at the beginning and we will go to lunch afterwards.